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Guide for Using SMS Ekame API

This API allows users to:

  1. Create orders to get phone numbers for SMS services.
  2. Check the status of created orders.
  3. Retrieve a list of supported countries.
  4. Retrieve a list of available services.
  5. Manage their unique API token for secure access.

1. Getting Your API Token

Get Token

2. Creating an Order

Use this endpoint to create a new order for a phone number.

API Details:

  • Endpoint: /wp-json/smsekame/v1/create-order
  • Method: GET
  • Required Parameters:
  • api_token – Your unique API token.
  • service – The service you want the number for (e.g., telegram, whatsapp).
  • country – The country code for the number (e.g., 0 for Russia, 1 for Ukraine).

Example Request:

curl -X GET ""

Example Response:

  "status": "success",
  "order_id": "123456",
  "number": "79998887766",
  "price": 0.08


  • Insufficient Funds:
    "code": "insufficient_funds",
    "message": "Not enough funds to complete the order",
    "data": {
      "status": 403
  • Invalid Token:
    "code": "unauthorized",
    "message": "Invalid token",
    "data": {
      "status": 401

3. Checking Order Status

You can check the status of an existing order using this endpoint.

API Details:

  • Endpoint: /wp-json/smsekame/v1/order-status
  • Method: GET
  • Required Parameters:
  • api_token – Your unique API token.
  • id – The ID of the order you want to check.

Example Request:

curl -X GET ""

Example Response:

  "status": "success",
  "data": "STATUS_OK:247359"

4. Retrieving a List of Supported Countries

This endpoint retrieves a list of countries where services are available.

API Details:

  • Endpoint: /wp-json/smsekame/v1/get-countries
  • Method: GET

Example Request:

curl -X GET ""

Example Response:

  "status": "success",
  "countries": [
    { "id": 0, "name": "Russia" },
    { "id": 1, "name": "Ukraine" },
    { "id": 2, "name": "Kazakhstan" }

5. Retrieving a List of Available Services

This endpoint retrieves a list of SMS services you can use.

API Details:

  • Endpoint: /wp-json/smsekame/v1/get-services
  • Method: GET

Example Request:

curl -X GET ""

Example Response:

  "status": "success",
  "services": {
    "telegram": "Telegram",
    "whatsapp": "WhatsApp",
    "viber": "Viber"

6. Notes and Recommendations

  • Keep your API token secure: Do not share your token with anyone.
  • Use HTTPS: Always ensure you are accessing the API via HTTPS for security.
  • Error handling: Make sure to check the status and code in the API responses to handle errors appropriately.
  • Balance management: Ensure your account has sufficient funds before attempting to create orders.

If you have any questions or need help, contact support or refer to this guide for further clarification.